Public codes
- My public repos and gist code snippets
- Papers that cited my codes: Google Scholar, arXiv
Galactic dynamics
- CuspCore2: Modeling the galaxy structural evolution due to feedback [coming soon].
- empdf: dynamical modeling with data-driven distribution function [coming soon].
High performance computation
- cyper: Cython performed inline: compile and run your Cython snippets on the fly.
Statistics and machine learning
File IO and data querying
- fortio: Python IO for Fortran unformatted binary files with variable-length records.
- nemo_io: Fast previewing and loading NEMO simulation snapshots.
- h5attr: Load and view hdf5 dataset in an easy way.
- query_isochrone: Querying PARSEC isochrones in batch.
- Querying simulation data from virgo database.
- Search sky region among Gaia source catalog files.
- scitextool: Some routines for preparing astronomy paper submissions.
handy: Personal Python library for statistics, computation, and plotting. Selected examples
- binstats: Binned statistics of multivariate data
- CubicSplineExtrap: Cubic spline with linear extrapolation
- EqualGridInterpolator: Fast interpolator on ND equally spaced grids
- indexed: Search given elements in a large array
- simps2d, trapz2d: Simpsons and Trapezoidal integration of 2D array
- KDTreeH5: Dump KDTree to hdf5 file and load back
- query_radius_periodic: KDTree query in periodic boxes (before introduced in scipy)
- mcd_ellipses: Plot minimum covariance ellipses
Public Gists functions
- Display jupyter notebook in terminal.
- Scale/displace a cKDTree object without rebuilding the tree.
- Bayesian active learning with skopt.
- scipy_spline_to_gsl.pyx: Convert Scipy spline object to gsl in cython.
Community contribution
I am an occasional contributor to many open source projects, including Numpy, Scipy, Cython, adstex, sharedmem, gala, isochrones, and more.
I obtained the Mars 2020 Contributor and Arctic Code Vault Contributor badges for my contribution to Numpy and Scipy. I earned 11 Yearling badges on Stack Overflow for my continuous contributions to the programming community, which attracted a total of 2.7 million person-visits.
- Milky Way mass profile and satellite kinematics
Supplementary data tables for arxiv:1912.02086
The repository includes four table files, including the inferred MW mass profile and its covariance matrix, the original measurements and the posterior kinematics of MW satellite galaxies.